
option module

class rustpy.option.None_

Represents absense of value. Implements Option protocol.

class rustpy.option.Some(value: _T)

Contains a value. Implements Option protocol.

class rustpy.option.Option(*args, **kwds)[source]

Protocol of an optional value.

and_(_other: Option[_T]) Option[_T][source]

Returns self if it is_none(), otherwise returns other.

and_then(_function: Callable[[_T], Option[_T2]]) Option[_T2][source]

Returns self if it is_none(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the contained value.

expect(_message: str) _T[source]

Returns the contained value or raises a ValueError with given message if none.

is_none() _bool[source]

Checks if the option does not contain a value.

is_some() _bool[source]

Checks if the option contains a value.

map(_function: Callable[[_T], _T2]) Option[_T2][source]

Returns self if it is_none(), otherwise applies given function to a contained value.

map_or(_default: _T2, _function: Callable[[_T], _T2]) _T2[source]

Returns given default if self is_none(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the contained value.

map_or_else(_default: Callable[[], _T2], _function: Callable[[_T], _T2]) _T2[source]

Returns the result of given default function if self is_none(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the contained value.

ok_or(_err: _E) _Result[_T, _E][source]

Returns the contained value wrapped in rustpy.result.Ok if self is_some(), otherwise returns given value wrapped in rustpy.result.Err.

ok_or_else(_function: _t.Callable[[], _E]) _Result[_T, _E][source]

Returns the contained value wrapped in rustpy.result.Ok if self is_some(), otherwise returns the result of given function wrapped in rustpy.result.Err.

or_(_other: Option[_T]) Option[_T][source]

Returns self if it is_some(), otherwise returns other.

or_else(_function: Callable[[], Option[_T]]) Option[_T][source]

Returns self if it is_some(), otherwise returns the result of the given function.

unwrap() _T[source]

Returns the contained value.

unwrap_or(_default: _T) _T[source]

Returns the default if self is_none(), otherwise returns the contained value.

unwrap_or_else(_function: Callable[[], _T]) _T[source]

Returns the result of default function if self is_none(), otherwise returns the contained value.

result module

class rustpy.result.Err(value: _E)

Represents the error value. Implements Result protocol.

class rustpy.result.Ok(value: _T)

Represents the success value. Implements Result protocol.

class rustpy.result.Result(*args, **kwds)[source]
and_(_other: Result[_T2, _E]) Result[_T2, _E][source]

Returns self if it is_err(), otherwise returns other.

and_then(_other: Callable[[_T], Result[_T2, _E]]) Result[_T2, _E][source]

Returns self if it is_err(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the success value.

err() _Option[_E][source]

Returns error value wrapped in rustpy.option.Some if self is_err(), otherwise returns rustpy.option.None_.

expect(_message: str) _T[source]

Returns the success value or raises a ValueError with given message if error.

expect_err(_message: str) _E[source]

Returns the error value or raises a ValueError with given message if success.

is_err() _bool[source]

Checks if the result is an error.

is_ok() _bool[source]

Checks if the result is a success.

map(_function: Callable[[_T], _T2]) Result[_T2, _E][source]

Returns self if it is_err(), otherwise applies given function to a success value.

map_err(_function: Callable[[_E], _E2]) Result[_T, _E2][source]

Returns self if it is_ok(), otherwise applies given function to an error value.

map_or(_default: _T2, _function: Callable[[_T], _T2]) _T2[source]

Returns given default if self is_err(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the success value.

map_or_else(_default: Callable[[_E], _T2], _function: Callable[[_T], _T2]) _T2[source]

Returns the result of given default function on the error value if self is_err(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the success value.

ok() _Option[_T][source]

Returns success value wrapped in rustpy.option.Some if self is_ok(), otherwise returns rustpy.option.None_.

or_(_other: Result[_T, _E2]) Result[_T, _E2][source]

Returns self if it is_ok(), otherwise returns other.

or_else(_other: Callable[[_E], Result[_T, _E2]]) Result[_T, _E2][source]

Returns self if it is_ok(), otherwise returns the result of given function on the success value.

unwrap() _T[source]

Returns the success value.

unwrap_err() _E[source]

Returns the error value.

unwrap_or(_default: _T) _T[source]

Returns the default if self is_err(), otherwise returns the success value.

unwrap_or_else(_function: Callable[[_E], _T]) _T[source]

Returns the result of default function on error value if self is_err(), otherwise returns the success value.

primitive module

class rustpy.primitive.bool_(_value: bool)[source]

Represents a value, which could only be either true or false. If you cast a bool into an integer, true will be 1 and false will be 0.

class rustpy.primitive.f32(_value: float)[source]

A 32-bit floating point type (specifically, the “binary32” type defined in IEEE 754-2008).

class rustpy.primitive.f64(_value: float)[source]

A 64-bit floating point type (specifically, the “binary64” type defined in IEEE 754-2008).

class rustpy.primitive.i128(_value: int)[source]

The 128-bit signed integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.i16(_value: int)[source]

The 16-bit signed integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.i32(_value: int)[source]

The 32-bit signed integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.i64(_value: int)[source]

The 64-bit signed integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.i8(_value: int)[source]

The 8-bit signed integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.isize(_value: int)[source]

The pointer-sized signed integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.u128(_value: int)[source]

The 128-bit unsigned integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.u16(_value: int)[source]

The 16-bit unsigned integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.u32(_value: int)[source]

The 32-bit unsigned integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.u64(_value: int)[source]

The 64-bit unsigned integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.u8(_value: int)[source]

The 8-bit unsigned integer type.

class rustpy.primitive.usize(_value: int)[source]

The pointer-sized unsigned integer type.